Descargar PDF BookesManual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis online.aheR] Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis online.aheR] Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis online.aheR] Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition)

Puede descargar en forma de un libro electr�nico: pdf, kindle ebook, ms palabra aqu� y m�s soft tipo de archivo. [libro gratis online.aheR] Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition), este es un gran libro que creo.
[libro gratis online.aheR] Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional (Spanish Edition)

The threat and use of armed force for political ends on the part of states and non-governmental operators remains a core characteristic of the world we live in. Manual de estudios estratégicos y seguridad internacional helps shed some light of this challenging aspect of reality. It does so by taking a multidisciplinary approach, in keeping with the many-faceted nature of the subjects dealt with. An overview of international relations-related theories will leave readers well placed to better grasp the problems inherited in the legal regime governing the use of force, the state of play as regards shifting approaches to strategy, and the revolutionary developments in the military field. An array of core concepts in strategic studies is also included, such as the theory of dissuasion, the security dilemma, cyber-warfare, strategic intelligence, the process by which public defense strategies are formed, defense, terrorism and insurgency, to name a few. The sheer wealth of subjects tackled in the handbook and the rigorous approach taken, together with its comprehensive analysis and clarity of thought, makes this work a benchmark textbook in the field.
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